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Jedi Phoenix

Need help with ram

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OK, I have 4 gig of Kingston PC-6400 800mhz ram. And while it runs great and all, I've been told my timings are off. But nothing I set it at seems to improve.


Anyone know much about Ram timings and anything about what this ram is supposed to be running at for peak efficiency?

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As far as i recall the frequencies the module of RAM works at cannot be changed, it just uses the closest one to the frequencies your MB handles. Nowadays if i recall correctly RAM frequencies goes up from 1033 MHz.


Besides i don't think it would be too noticeable if you set it at a perfect sync, but just in case google RAM cycles, frequency, how to change it (if possible) and consecuences of not running at sync.


Btw, are you using one Module of 4GB or many others? you could also download http://www.cpuid.com/ to see shitloads of info of your MB and stuff.

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