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Jedi Phoenix

Which do you use?

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Hey guys,


I"ve read some of the other posts on here, and I got curious.


For all of us who are somewhat computer savvy, and for those of us who are not, I propose a civil debate: Intel or AMD and\or Nvidia or ATI?


I"m big on building and modding, and rebuilding computers, I live for it, and live for the chance to take one apart to see what is wrong. Dunno why but I do, and I constantly run into this because lots of people have differing opinions, and I like to have civil debates.


As far as Intel or AMD; I lean toward the AMD side myself. I have been a big fan most of my pc modding life, and have rarely if ever strayed away. Mainly because every time I do, the offending Intel product dies a horrific death for absolutely no reason. But lately, I have been intruiged by the new Intel processors, especially the i5, i7 lines. Mainly because of the simulation of quad or 8 cores. It sparks an interest to me and I wanna rip it apart and see how it works. (obviously through virtualization.)


When it comes to ATI or Nvidia I have dwaddled between the two over the years, and find that while ATI has far better support when it comes to actually talking to someone and brainstorming a fix; Nvidia seems to be on top with the best drivers, and support of legacy gaming.


I do lots of legacy gaming from the old x-wing games like X-Wing95 and X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, to Starcraft and such games of the same era.


Nvidia seems to have better support for older games, even if the operating systems do not.


And it seems that more and more product producers lean toward Nvidia than ATI.


So what do you prefer? Why? And how long have you been a supporter of your current brand\Favorite?


Please, keep it civil, and please have fun!

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I cannot stand nVidia's absolutely retarded marketing. ATI has odd model numbers too, but at least they're goddamned consistent.


Whatdaya mean? Nvidia has had consitent model numbers. They just changed from Geforce to GTX which is why the model numbers like 260 and so on came about. It's basically a new model\brand. ATI did the same when they switched to HD Radeon. Numbers dropped to lower count to signify that the Radeon standard is being replaced.


At least, I think that's where you're getting confused.

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Intel, specifically the i5 - i7 range, is designed better. For every physical core that an Intel has, it is virtually emulating a second one. For example, if you had a quad core i7 it would effectively act as an 8-core. This is also what is known as Hyper-threading, which AMD lacks. However, gamers are not going to notice a huge benefit from it. Most games rely so heavily on the GPU after a certain point that it's not going to matter how powerful a processor is. Which is why I like to lean towards AMD instead, as their price lines are by far better and affordable, for CPUs that are damn good in their own right.


I, myself, prefer Nvidia mainly because their driver support has always been incredible in comparison to their ATI counterparts. Admittedly, ATI has gotten faaaaaar better since AMD bought them out and they continue to get better with every series that they release. But they still lack quite a lot of things that Nvidia pretty much masters. PhysX and CUDA, for example.

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Pretty much anything that supports the 8bit palette, which some relatively newer Nvidia ones (like mine) does not. Yeah, i'm a retro gamer, somewhat.


Where the heck is your avatar from? I know, I know it from somewhere...just can't put my finger on it!!!

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Where the heck is your avatar from? I know, I know it from somewhere...just can't put my finger on it!!!


Braindead a.k.a. Dead Alive in North America for whatever reason...



Pantshitting movie, the amount of laughter and disgust it evokes in 90 minutes is freaking unreal, watch it if you haven't seen it yet.



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