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Jedi Phoenix

JA single player issue

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I've found if I do a few things offline, on MP or SP, it resets you to Padawan with no binds and default controls. Something I've forgotten to check is if it overwrites your jampconfig. If it doesn't, that you can /exec jampconfig to obtain your previous settings.


Regardless, it helps to /write a config when you have all your binds, names etc. set up again so that if everything's reset, you just /exec that config to have it all back instantly.

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Pretty much what soli said. Put all your binds, name, network settings, and whatever else into a custom config. Then you just exec the config if you lose any of your settings. For example, mine looks like


cl_maxpackets 63
rate 25000
snaps 40
!chatstyle 0
bind rightarrow screenshot
bind ins "team red"
bind del "team blue"
bind End "team follow1"
bind f8 kill
bind f2 "use_bacta ;echo "Bacta""
bind f3 "use_field ;echo "Forcefield"
bind f4 "use_sentry ;echo "Sentry"
bind f5 "use_seeker ;echo "Seeker"
bind kp_end "saber kyle"
bind kp_downarrow "saber dual_1"
bind kp_pgdn "saber single_1 single_1"
bind kp_pgup say "^7Can it wait a bit^6? ^7I^6'^7m in the middle of some ^5calibrations^6."
bind alt +speed
com_maxfps 125
bind f9 exec pooky.cfg
bind f10 exec darkside.cfg
bind f11 exec lightside.cfg
bind f12 exec master.cfg
bind f1 cg_thirdperson "!"
cg_drawfps 1
cg_bobup "0"
cg_bobpitch "0"
cg_bobroll "0"
cg_runroll "0"
cg_runpitch "0"
cg_drawTimer "1"
cg_drawcrosshair 7
cg_fov "90"
cg_lagometer "1"
model "reborn/fencer"
name "^6fried^5metroid"

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SP writes to the "jaconfig.cfg" in your base folder.


MP writes to the "jaMPconfig.cfg" in your base or japlus folder.


You still ought to store your binds in a separate .cfg file as suggested above - that way it's no overwritten every time you sneeze on your darned keyboard.

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Or do what I do and have a backup of your jampconfig =D


I also have custom configs, but I like having my jampconfig doing some of the same stuff so I don't have to execute every damn config. And I also have binds in my jampconfig to execute the other configs.... I'm awkward =D

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