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Jedi Phoenix

Amhug issues and JA+

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Trying to use amhug in game. Its bound to h and works occaisionally but if i try to use it more than 2-3 times in a row it will stop working and i usually have to do another action cmd or wait a bit before using it again. Any suggestions on how to make it work better?


Also is there a way to make JA+ start up without having to go to the setup/mods/load mod menu in game?





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Trying to use amhug in game. Its bound to h and works occaisionally but if i try to use it more than 2-3 times in a row it will stop working and i usually have to do another action cmd or wait a bit before using it again. Any suggestions on how to make it work better?


Also is there a way to make JA+ start up without having to go to the setup/mods/load mod menu in game?






If you press your bind too frequently, floodprotect kicks in. I have two hug binds for that reason. Sometimes crouching does take that effect away, so give that a try, :p


As for JA+, in your Gamedata folder, there should be a play_japlus .BAT file. I use that to start JA:MP up with the JA+ mod already preloaded.

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