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Jedi Phoenix

Please Read and Pass On! Thank you


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Chances are yall already know this but just in case, and not everyone you know may know it. So please try to pass it on even if you do already know it. Thankz!



Before you go to kick or ban someone, A. make sure that you use /amstatus to get thier status number.

B. use the status number ONLY to kick or ban someone (some will change thier name to 1 in hopes that you will kick or ban the person whose status number is 1.)

C.Check to make sure there are not two people with the same or very similar names on first, use tab or amstatus to do this.

D. if there are two, and you can ghost, then ghost yourself before doing this step, if you cant ghost, then just teleport to the first person status number wise that has that name. If they are not the lamer, then immediately kick/ban the other person.

E. if you cant ban, then report it to someone who can.

An example of yer /amstatus list:


1. Bobbafett plugin 1.3

2. YoMama plugin 1.3

3. Submit plugin 1.4 beta

4 Slamdunk plugin 1.3

5. Private No Plugin

6. SIamdunk plugin 1.3


In game, both Slamdunk and SIamdunk will look the same as the I and lower case L look identical. So you would teleport as so: /amtele 4. then You would notice that the original slamdunk isnt lameing, IMMEDIATELY kick or ban 6. If you dont have ban and someone with ban is on, or who might have ban, PRIVATE MESSAGE THEM, explain the situation (or babble it via admin chat) and say that there is a Mimic, the Mimic's number is 6, he is currently mimicing number 4 who is slamdunk. Please ban number 6.


Hopefully this way we will avoid further incidences of people getting kicked or banned when they are innocent.


Mimic's are irritating and can royally disrupt the guests and the members of a server. Please, pass this information on to any admin that you know. Thank you.

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Considering our admins are nowhere near this incompetent, not to mention it seems you're willing to "IMMEDIATELY kick or ban 6" over simple laming, this probably isn't the place for such a post.


All of our admins get instruction on how to do the job, including the /amstatus command, obviously.


You'd be better off taking this to a forum/server that actually has such issues.

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Considering our admins are nowhere near this incompetent, not to mention it seems you're willing to "IMMEDIATELY kick or ban 6" over simple laming, this probably isn't the place for such a post.


All of our admins get instruction on how to do the job, including the /amstatus command, obviously.


You'd be better off taking this to a forum/server that actually has such issues.


Happy 500 posts Fasttea! <3!

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wrong spot to place this, wrong thing to say anyways


The admins of JP are perfect the way they are, you might say they are flawless....


none the less, I think you probably misinterpreted something that happend, or you took a stereotypical guess as soon as you got there, or you are simply trolling.

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