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Jedi Phoenix

Hey there JP


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Aw man, you don't remember me Ivaj? Well I remember you and the rage that always followed you around xD I was usually listening to music or had sounds turned down too low to hear you taunt spamming. I couldn't avoid the chat-rage though, oh dear.


Well I don't do that shit anymore so don't expect that when I'm on. I will probably use the name POOPTARD next time you see me on the server. Unlike some people I take pride in my poopname.

See you on the server.

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Good to see you DA. We've run across each other a few times in the past.. I believe. I've recently started using Nuke. I had been in JP for a while in the past, went by SuperSith, Corruption, Kratos, Echoes, if any of those ring a bell. I may have seen you on oFc once or twice when I was in that clan, as Corruption.


Don't expect you to remember, never really made a formal confrontation.. You won't be so lucky now though.. =p.

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The names you listed don't really ring a bell, Nuke does though :p Corruption from oFc does as well, we had some nice FFA's together I believe. You're right though, we never really talked much in the past.


Idk what it is, I remember people from this game, but if you ask me to remember people from a year or two ago that I ACTUALLY physically met and I'm like.. ERRR >_

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guess you came maybe after the first time i was in JP and left before i came back ? i dont seem to remember either


I am honestly not sure, I want to say I remember a Sharp, but I can't be sure about it. Either way, if you still play JA from time to time, maybe I'll see you on the server!

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