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Jedi Phoenix

The best films scene's you've seen

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Another one of these favourite things thread, now aiming at film scenes. Post your favourites if you find it on youtube, but if they contain spoilers leave a warning about it and/or put it in that spoiler format this forum provides. Aight, here's the first half of my favourites, i'll post more later:


The car accident scene from Wild at Heart:




I recently watched this and the moment it reached this scene it hit me like a lightning that i have seen this movie as a kid. In fact, i remember seeing it as a 10 year old or around that, and after this scene i turned my TV off because i was frightened by it. Certainly one of the most memorable film scenes i've seen.




The opening of Blue Velvet:




Probably the best opening sequence i've seen. At this point you're probably aware that i'm a David Lynch fan :D


Speaking of which...




The opera scene in Mulholland Dr.:


part 1:




part 2:




Simply my all-time favourite scene.




The ending of City Lights:



What you're about to see is a huge, and i mean huge spoiler to Chaplin's best movie. That being said, if you haven't seen City Lights, go and fucking watch it. It's Chaplin, so whoever you are, you're going to enjoy it. Also, the scene doesn't "work" if you don't know what's going on, it works best when you're seeing the whole movie and reach the very end where this scene happens, but it also works if you've seen it before. So i'm only posting this for the sake of those who have actually seen it, if there's any.





More coming soon...



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Following on...


3 Braindead scenes (man i should really post the whole movie here...):


1. The Zombie Baby Walk In The Park scene (as seen in my avatar):




Warning! The next 2 scenes are filled with gore and blood, and they can be easily the definition of fucked up. Watch at your own peril.


2. "I Kick Arse For The Lord!" (source of killmessage ingame #1):




3.The Lawnmower Of The Dead (source of killmessage ingame #2; avatar on old forum):






"Get away from her you bitch!" from Aliens:




yeah, pretty bad quality :(




And for a last one, the pool scene from Let The Right One In:


WARNING! This is again a huge spoiler to one of the best movies of the decade, so if you havent seen it, then go see it. Believe me, it's awesome. Also, i dont think you'll understand too much from it without watching the movie. (Not to be mixed up with the american shitty remake Let Me In, watch the original)





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