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Jedi Phoenix

The Fractalius Text Style


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Adobe Photoshop (CS2 or later)

Redfield Fractalius Filter (See link for download)


Download Link for the Filter (It is a torrent so you must have a Torrent program, Eg uTorrent)

Redfield Fractalius Photoshop Filter 1.50.Torrent


We Will be making this Text effect




Step 1: Create the Canvas


Create a new canvas of any size dependant on

the intended use for this effect

Signature: 550px X 180px

Wallpaper: Monitor size, EG: 1280 X 1080.


After you have made the new canvas, fill the background with the desired color, if its for a forum signature use the color of the signature area backing, im using #151515 (Jedi Phoenix Fourms)




Step 2: Add your text


Use your desired Font and type what you want it to say. The font i’m using is “Space Marine”




Step 3: Layer Styles


Open the layer Styles window for your text and check Outer glow, Inner Glow, Bevel & Emboss and Gradient Overlay.


Outer Glow: Change the color to what you want the main color to be, eg purple as im using


Inner glow, use the same color as the outer glow but set the blending to COLOR and set the size to 10


Bevel and emboss: Leave everything on default but change the size to “2”


Gradient Overlay: Standard Black/white, leave all defualt but change the scale to 150


You will have somthing like this.




Step 4: The Effect


You will need to Duplicate theText layer 3 times, Hide to top one and create a new layer just on top of the Background but under the text and fill it black. Merge the top 2 text layers and the black layer. Then go to Filter>Redfield>Fractalius, you will see a window like this




In the Preset drop down menu (Next to the tick) select Glow 100, you will then see the preview in the bow in the top left, then change the scale slider until you have something similar to this (It will be different depending on the font used)




Set this new effect layer to screen.

You can now unhide the first text layer, but turn of all the effects expect the Outer glow and make the text black, then alter the Opacity down to between 10 and 20 so you will have this.




and that is all, if you want you can add little images to it like i did with the Dragon head, just use the same method.



This filter can really be used for anything try messing around with the different sliders to get some cool effects

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badass thanks for the tut






couldn't really figure out how you made the black that you made to merg with disappear but this is what i came out with :p


i shall mess with it some more.

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Just press "E", although it's not it's usual primary tool. So you'll have to go under the eraser tool and select Background Eraser. Make sure you set tolerance to 1%, make the size of your eraser big, and click on the black area. This tool basically tells photoshop,"This is the color I want to be removed, do it with 1% tolerance for change in the color and do it within this vicinity."

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where to find ur font? and also i get confused with the like the merging and which layer of text we hide...



wat i do wrong?



is this better?

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