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new sig... halo style!

Theos Sairin

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So I used the same render that the sigtutorials tutorial i followed use and followed the same steps more or less... but i still made it =P learnt some good new steps, ways that work better than my clipping mask style currently... though i still managed to sneak some clipping masks into this one as well =P


definitely the best one ive made so far, i look foward to using it in something else to create some epic sigs!!!!



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Completely off topic but theos you list one of your alts as Kylar Stern. So you've read The Night Angel trilogy. Those are my favorite books, and my favorite author now. Story was just fucking epic, and his writing style is inspirational.


On-topic, i haven't made sigs in all of forever, but a suggestion you can take or leave would be to take that top layer with the metal-sheen to it and perhaps erase or blur a little over the helmet and sharpen the helmet so it stands out more. Seems to me like it's covering up the focus a bit too much.

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On-topic, i haven't made sigs in all of forever, but a suggestion you can take or leave would be to take that top layer with the metal-sheen to it and perhaps erase or blur a little over the helmet and sharpen the helmet so it stands out more. Seems to me like it's covering up the focus a bit too much.

To be honest it was probably sharpening the whole image and the colour balance I gave it that made it look so metallic, I wasn't sure at first whether to keep it but I decided rather than to change it I could try to make it work with the rain... That and I'm not skilled enough to sort it out yet!

The helmet part though, I'll see what I can do about that, because I see what you mean there... Back to my .psd so I can see what I can change!


Completely off topic but theos you list one of your alts as Kylar Stern. So you've read The Night Angel trilogy. Those are my favorite books, and my favorite author now. Story was just fucking epic, and his writing style is inspirational.

I'm glad someone else on here has read the books! The way Brent Weeks writes is so... forward. So brash and untamed! It makes it characters just seem so much more realistic, that even setting up in the fantasy world he wrote the characters seemed so realistic... And the whole storyline was just epic, like you said. It's one of those trilogies I didn't wanna put down when I was reading and I've found since then it's hard to read other books because they seem so controlled next to his writing... His writing makes you not afraid to write in a different style.

I do love the Night Angel trilogy and I was sad when I got the end of the last book... But there's a new book just out! It's called The Black Prism, it's a completely new story, and I've read the first 3 chapters online HERE (Don't worry, it's not illegal, Brent Weeks released this link on his own site!) As soon as my local library gets hold of it I will be booking it out and enjoying it. I have no idea if it's going to be a new series, but from what I've read so far it's gonna be good! [/brentweeksobsession]




Well... I got carried away and instead of changing the sig I already made I just made a new one to see how quickly I could do it to be honest... And I like what came out anyway, so here is an Advent Children one! Gonna carry on learning from more tutorials and implement them so I can create some better looking sigs, these are quite simple at the moment.




Erm... I got carried away again >.


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But there's a new book just out! It's called The Black Prism, it's a completely new story, and I've read the first 3 chapters online HERE (Don't worry, it's not illegal, Brent Weeks released this link on his own site!) As soon as my local library gets hold of it I will be booking it out and enjoying it. I have no idea if it's going to be a new series, but from what I've read so far it's gonna be good! [/brentweeksobsession]


Yea, it's pretty good, i pre-ordered it and happen to be 3 chapters into it. Very different than his other story in respect to the world it takes place in, but the writing style is still there. It's brutal, and i still love it. He's even influenced my own writing.

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