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Jedi Phoenix

The Halfie Saber


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For people who don't know how to do this




You always see admin with half sabers like they got staffs well this im about to tell you will show how to change into it:


1. Make sure ur on medium style single saber


2. Make sure u got a saber staff bind and saber single bind


3. Next keep ur finger on the attack button to keep slicing


5. Heres hardest part. While attacking when u get to the pause in ur slashes quickly press ur staff bind. Time is necessary here


6. When u get it keep doing the same with the staff. Attack then switch back to a single.


Thats all there is to it. For when u want to go back just switch combat modes

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indeed it does or less like me now cause i got used to the timing




Video is done and uploaded. I've added annotations and fairly comprehensive instructions in the description.


very nice Pengu



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