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Jedi Phoenix

Pulp Said to Post This.


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So in reply to the comment i made on pulp's application, he sent me a private message on the forums. He said in his last post that i should post this. And i thought it was a great idea, cause it honestly makes my day brighter, and why not share it with everyone?


Pulp: Lol, you really think i'd seriously app back to JP.


That app isn't serious at all. Good sir.


Me: Of course the app is a joke. My point is so are you, good sir.


Pulp: Heh, the fact that you think your opinion matters to me, honestly makes me chuckle.

and thank you, i haven't laughed like that since i was a little girl, Thank you.


Me: Matters enough that you needed to reply. Matters enough that you don't like me. And matters enough that you bitched and whined to me for hours on end through xfire for making you look stupid on plenty of occasions.


Makes me chuckle how big your ego is and how little your brain is.


Pulp: I


Me: Just people who don't lead worthless lives is all. Don't worry about it.


Pulp: My life is actually quite fulfilling right now. So your argument is invalid. - (He's trying to sound smart, it's cute) -


Me: Lol, i must've used too big of words or something. You missed my point. It's okay pulp, one day you'll learn... oh wait, you flunked out of everything.


Nevermind, keep enjoying that fulfilling life of yours.


PS - I would like some fries with that, please.


Pulp: Yeah man, I did drop out of high school if that is what you were referring to when you said flunked. But fuck it, I mean from what i can remember you are just some alcoholic in some community college. That seems really fulfilling, But hey what ever works for ya.


Pulp: Ohh and also i'm not working at a mcdonalds or a Burgerking, I had to get a higher paying job then 6.50 an hour. I don't need a "i'm trying to get through college" job. I need a big boy job. And i got one actually.


Me: Actually i'm in a top University, and only drink on weekends during school.


Your memory is, as always, flawed, mainly due to the random addiction of the month you're probably on. What's it this time? Moved up to heroine yet? I doubt you have enough brain cells for the other stuff to do the trick anymore.


And a big boy job? Oh man. You're a big boy now? Higher paying? I like how you didn't list the wages. I'm sure that high paying job is great. I bet you found it in the pennysaver, "No experience required, no education of any sort required, come as you are." You know when it says that it's a respectable and profitable career.


Oh wait, i don't think there are careers without an education. Just jobs. See, i'm working towards a career. It's like your big boy job, but higher paying, more respectable, can't be done by a robot, and requires an actual education to perform.


Good luck with that big boy job. Maybe they'll finally give you a raise so you're working past $12 an hour the rest of your life. Hell, if you aim big and really go for it maybe you can turn that dead end job around and make past 40k a year. But that's overly optimistic imo.


Pulp: Well didn't you just start rambling. No actually it's 20 an hour, And here in Arizona thats alot since housing and food is cheaper out here.

And the drug of the month is actually nothing. You said it like i was switching from drug to drug every month when in reality it was one drug that i kept going back to. Seems that your memory is lacking a bit there, it's okay though.


And have you know, I've been working the trades my whole live. I worked at the Boston Union as a painter when i was 18-20 making 45 bucks an hour. Until i moved out here to Tucson. Now out here in Tucson I've been working side jobs at random construction sites, until one of them hired me. Now if i remember correctly, working construction.. wait lemme quote you, bring back the old times, 'I bet you found it in the pennysaver, "No experience required, no education of any sort required, come as you are."' Working construction, painting, roofing, landscaping, electrical work, plumbing, i think all requires some form of skill that i know for a fact you can't do.


Me: "Working construction, painting, roofing, landscaping, electrical work, plumbing"


Know what all those jobs have in common? Besides maybe painting.


They're all done by illegal immigrants. Man, you must be proud. You're really trying to show off that resume to me? Hahahaha. Seriously, quit embarrassing yourself by comparing yourself to me and just leave this topic. This shit is sad. Its tempting enough to post this for everyone to see without you continuing on.


Blue collar jobs aren't impressive. And 20 an hour? Wowzers. If you work 8 hours a day for 6 days a week you can come close to 50k a year. Have fun wasting your life away doing that for 56 hours a week without any chance of moving up. Summers must be brutal doing a job that requires manual labor.


And seeing as you haven't gone to school, i doubt you can do any complicated electrical or plumbing as that requires a certificate from a trade school. So you probably learned some simple shit and are trying to show off your "skills" that i could probably learn in an hour.


Pulp: Lul, Nah i take pride in my work, and i love doing what i do. I don't give a shit if i don't move up. it's good money and what i make now is just starting pay, so in about a year or two, i'll be bakc making 40 bucks an hour if not more. And fuck those spics. they only get construction jobs because they work for 5 bucks an hour.


Go ahead and post it if you want, if you don't i will. I was actually planning on posting this conversation.


And no i went to a voc school back east to learn all my shit, and daddy taught me some shit as well annnnnd I went through all of highschool, but just dropped out my senior year. Annnd last year i went out and get my Diploma....


But anyways, you are still the same lonely man i knew, glad you haven't changed. Gives me a boiling erection that you still care about me.


So sweet. :wank:


Me: You're right, take pride in what you do. I'm pretty sure that's a wal-mart slogan, and how true is it, right?


And you got your diploma? Wow. Everyone must have been pleasantly surprised. I'll admit to being surprised myself. I hope you get that raise dude, you deserve it. Really.


And me, lonely? And here i was thinking that i was conversing with the same idiot who spends a majority of his time trolling a dead star wars game and has his little cousin who isn't even creative enough to think of his own name tagging along at his beck and call.


Of course i care for you dude. You make me feel lucky i live the life i do. But seriously, weren't you the one who messaged me? Then kept replying? Ah, who cares who's right or wrong. We all know i'll make you look stupid regardless. You said so yourself to me through xfire when you ragequit the clan i believe.


And since you said to post this, i'm all too glad to!

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Already said i did care. And can't we have a common goal of wanting to post this?




But seriously.




Don't insult pulp's education, he QQ's pretty hard. Hours of xfire conversations have been spent talking to him about how i made him look stupid just by posting. To a point where he thought i was doing it deliberately. Well, now i am.


Sometimes trolls gotta get trolled.

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They're all done by illegal immigrants. Man, you must be proud. You're really trying to show off that resume to me? Hahahaha. Seriously, quit embarrassing yourself by comparing yourself to me and just leave this topic. This shit is sad. Its tempting enough to post this for everyone to see without you continuing on.


Blue collar jobs aren't impressive. And 20 an hour? Wowzers. If you work 8 hours a day for 6 days a week you can come close to 50k a year. Have fun wasting your life away doing that for 56 hours a week without any chance of moving up. Summers must be brutal doing a job that requires manual labor.


He should be proud, actually. The reason those jobs are so filled by illegal immigrants is because the average Joe would rather sit on his ass pissing away time, moaning and sucking off wellfare's dick than actually get some work done, like it's beneath him. He's doing what it takes to get some $$ flowing and as you pointed out, he's putting out more effort/$ received than the average shmuck who has time to piss away on JKA. That's worth my respect at least.


Not a jab at you, DS, or anyone in particular. Just my feelings on the issue.

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He should be proud, actually. The reason those jobs are so filled by illegal immigrants is because the average Joe would rather sit on his ass pissing away time, moaning and sucking off wellfare's dick than actually get some work done, like it's beneath him. He's doing what it takes to get some $ flowing and as you pointed out, he's putting out more effort/$ received than the average shmuck who has time to piss away on JKA. That's worth my respect at least.


Not a jab at you, DS, or anyone in particular. Just my feelings on the issue.


durr durr durr durr!

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Already said i did care. And can't we have a common goal of wanting to post this?




But seriously.




Don't insult pulp's education, he QQ's pretty hard. Hours of xfire conversations have been spent talking to him about how i made him look stupid just by posting. To a point where he thought i was doing it deliberately. Well, now i am.


Sometimes trolls gotta get trolled.




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i dont really see why someone's education or job should make them any less of a person than you. if someone has made mistakes in their life, really fucked it up, when they could have been something so much better... well that's their fault it happened, no one should be judging that.


at the same time, spending hours needlessly trolling around forums and games is... pointless? to say the least...


trolls, in general, just confuse me!


in general, i find this whole thing rather pointless... still fun to read it all tho lol.




also, i wudda though this wud be better off in spam?

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Hahaha this is so good! This is so good I think I'm going to read it again! Not. Look at yourself, man... thought you were better than this.


My dick > your dick

+ hella


Edit: How low, can ya go? How low, can ya go??

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i don't think ds got the replies he expected.



Not at all dude. Not at all. The thing is, i know it bothered you, and that was my objective. Or are you saying that the hours of QQing to me over xfire were just nothing? ;D


Aaaand i don't care enough about this game anymore to not stoop to a troll's level. I got the rise out of him, I'm happy. Just as he said in his latest reply:

"And trolling of a dead star wars game brings me entertainment. It's always fun getting a rise out of people."

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