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Jedi Phoenix



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* Activision

* Raven Software

* Sci-Fi First-Person...

* Release: Jun 29, 2010 »

* ESRB: Mature


I'm only a few hours into the game but I feel that's enough to post a quick stoner review.






The game literally starts by shitting you out in the middle of some cold-war russian silent hill town with freakish dead-space monsters that try their best to scare you. My first impressions weren't good but eventually you'll find weapons as the gameplay slowly begins to pick up pace. As you start firing weapons off at various soldiers/monsters the gameplay starts to feel like Modern Warfare 2 (There's actually perks later on) After about 1 or 2 hours into the game you'll get the gravity gun from Half Life 2, only they call it "Time Manipulation Device". This game is blatantly taking the best out of FPS games in general and trying to mash them into singularity (MW2, HL2, Fear, Dead Space, Bioshock) And they manage to pull it off B-Movie style.




Nothing stood out here




The story isn't very interesting, infact it just barely keeps you going. I recommend playing this game baked to get through it.




http://i49.tinypic.com/2hyxitg_th.gif http://i49.tinypic.com/2hyxitg_th.gif http://i49.tinypic.com/2hyxitg_th.gif

3 Bong Rips out of 5


Bottom Line: This is an average FPS that tries taking the good from everything out there

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